With over 20 years of experience in the Civil Engineering field and licensed for Professional Engineering services in both Indiana & Kentucky, we offer practical & efficient solutions for your next project:
Whether you're a homeowner looking to get a building permit or an onsite wastewater system designed or you're a developer needing comprehensive site engineering and permitting, we offer a variety of services including:
Building Plans
Site Plans
Onsite Wastewater Plans
Stormwater Management Plans
Rule 5/Water Quality Plans
Water/Wastewater Design/Construction Planning
Feasibility Planning
We offer engineering services on a variety of projects, here is a summary based on your role:
If you're wanting to build a new home:
We prepare building plans, site plans, onsite wastewater (septic system) plans & help you with permitting, rezoning, variances and easements.
If you own developable property or you're a developer/investor wanting to develop a piece of property:
We prepare conceptual/preliminary layouts for budget construction pricing & planning, help with utility planning/extensions.
We work well with local & state agencies to obtain necessary permitting for site development, including residential subdivisions or business parks.
If you're a building or site contractor:
We provide help with permitting and/or consulting you may not realize you needed until after you've started your project, whether it's drainage issues, site constraints, sensitive sites with wetlands or jurisdictional waters, we can help.
If you're an architect:
Let us help you with the site design & layout of your next building project. We're experienced with stormwater detention designs that will add attractive water features to your project.
Our clients range from 1st time homebuyers to small business owners, schools, universities, banks, utility companies and towns. Feel free to contact us anytime to request project references.
Whatever your role is in a building project, we are here to help and if it's something beyond our expertise, we'll help guide you to the right people that can help you with your project.
JLM Engineering
720 Rolling Creek Dr.
Suite 207
New Albany, IN 47150